Data Acquisition System, 4, 8 and 16 channel, BNC, ICP current 4 mA

Data Acquisition System, 4, 8 and 16 channel, BNC, ICP current 4 mA
Multi-Chaneel Signal Conditioner

PLACID range of Data acquisition systems ranges from 4, 8 to 16 channels. These DAQ systems are Channel Signal Conditioners in the PLACID PQ series.

With their high 48 kHz sampling rate, high measurement accuracy and compact size they are also very portable.


Motor, machine tool or other power equipment.
Aircraft, vehicles, ships, or other traffic equipment
Large structures such as bridges, buildings, and DAMS
Used in Impedance Tube systems for data acquisition
Used in combination with sound power measurements (i.e. ISO3744, ISO3755) with a multichannel hemisphere (10 or 20 measurement microphone channels)

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